Mar 1, 2022
The International film business (Vol 3)
A market guide beyond hollywood Coming march 2022 Examining the independent film sector as a business on an international scale, author...
Dr. Angus Finney is an experienced film business specialist, author, and an executive producer.
His current work includes mentoring production companies for Creative England and executive producing for Manchester’s horror outfit Grimmfest and US/UK’s Dancing Fox. He is an executive producer on the upcoming Danish film, “Nothing” (to have a theatrical release May 2022) and Greenland-set series “Top Of The World”.
His third edition of The International Film Business: A Market Guide Beyond Hollywood (Routledge), will be published in April 2022.
He is a regular senior contributor to Variety. He has been appointed UK Managing Director of a new streaming fund backed by a New York pension fund, due to start business post Covid-19.